Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Video-making for Social Media

There are more and more videos being posted that are not just shares of someone else's film but created by the person posting. Of course the most important element is to have something to say. It may be a one off Christmas message or an appeal for a sponsored run. You may also have a passion that you want to share with other enthusiasts across the world. I say 'across the world' because you may have a lot in similar with hundreds of people but they are scattered across the globe and all are just as passionate about your interest, so a video is an effective way to share your experience with other enthusiasts.

What is the medium?

It depends on the type of communication as to which channel you use to share your video. If it is a 'how to' then Youtube is best. Think about the stats and viewing information that you want.
  • How-to, adventure, vlog - Youtube
  • Professional information, work - LinkedIn
  • Personal, family - Facebook
  • very short - instagram story

How to present it?

There are a number of formats available:
  1. Single take.If you flm carefully and it is a short message then you can film in one take and that will save on editing time. In that case you will also save time if you prepare your message and include everything including introducing yourself because there will be no title or credits.
  2. Compile a number of still shots with a voice-over or text to explain.
  3. Screen capture. If you are explaining a game or app then it would be useful to have a program that can record your screen actions as you do them.
  4. However, Don't forget - it may be better to put the video on Youtube and link it to Facebook, twitter and Linked-in. .

Best practice

There are a few basics which will make any film you make for social media stand out.
  1. What is the story?
  2. Have you got enough light?
  3. What are the acoustic qualities of the location?
  4. Camera mount.
  5. More than one camera?
  6. Editing
LinkedIn How to make a quick and easy professional video

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